It's Easter week (depending on your faith-practice you may refer to it as something else, like "Holy Week"). Outside of the Christmas season this is busiest holiday for many musicians and vocalists out there. I don't think I need to list all the 'holy' days that Christian/Catholic faiths contain, because if-you-know, you-know.
Late night rehearsals, extra hours practicing, early mornings. Whether you're a singer or an instrumentalist, they all take a toll. How can we stay health during this season?
First and foremost, if you can, make sure you're getting 7-8 hours of sleep
Second, stay hydrated. It takes at minimum 2-3 hours for your body to get hydrated (that's from the time of consistent water intake). Continuous hydration is ideal.
Eat foods that are going to fuel your body, not give you a sugar boost followed by a crash.
Stay away from mucus & acid producing foods and drinks.
Find a way to incorporate self-care (yoga, a walk, a nap, reading a book, etc)
Make sure to incorporate a day (or a few hours) of rest once the dust has settled, to give your body and mind a chance to be refreshed.
Happy music making to you all, and see you on the other side!